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Bambu SnapStix Chopsticks

Bambu SnapStix Chopsticks

Forget about crackle and pop, SNAP is where it's at!

Regular price £2.00
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Functional, pretty and great for the environment - these Bambu Snapstix could actually be the perfect eating utensil. Simply snap off the chop sticks from the base and then use the top as a resting place between courses. Eating never looked so good.Bamboo is a mystical plant: a symbol of strength, flexibility, tenacity and endurance. It is a natural resource that has uses ranging from medicine and food to structural materials and soil preservation. It offers vital economic and ecological benefits to the lives of millions of people worldwide. Moso, used for its beauty and the fact that Pandas do not rely on it as a food source, is the bamboo of choice for disposable bamboo plates and eating utensils.

Additional Info
One Set of Bamboo Chopsticks

No bleaches or dye

11" Length

100% organically grown bamboo

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